43 research outputs found

    A Multi-hop Topology Control Based on Inter-node Range Measurement for Wireless Sensor Networks Node Localization

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    In centralized range-based localization techniques, sufficiency of inter-node range information received by the base station strongly affects node position estimation results. Successful data aggregation is influenced by link stability of each connection of routes, especially in a multi-hop topology model. In general, measuring the inter-node range is only performed for position determination purposes. This research introduces the use of inter-node range measurement information for link selection in a multi-hop route composition in order to increase the rate of data aggregation. Due to irregularity problems of wireless media, two areas of node communication have been considered. The regular communication area is the area in which other nodes are able to perform symmetrical communication to the node without failure. The irregular area is the area in which other nodes are seldom able to communicate. Due to its instability, some existing methods tried to avoid the irregular area completely. The proposed method, named Virtual Boundaries (VBs) prioritizes these areas. The regular communication area’s nodes have high priority to be selected as link vertices; however, when there is no link candidate inside this area, nodes within the irregular area will be selected with respect to their range to the parent node. This technique resulted in a more robust multi-hop topology that can reduce isolated node numbers and increase the percentage of data collected by the base station accordingly

    Pengisi Ulang Baterai NICAD Cepat Dengan Teknologi Fuzzy Logic

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    Telah banyak proses kontrol otomatis yang digunakan di industri, baik secara analog maupun secara digital. Namun sebenarnya tidak semua proses dapat dikontrol oleh kedua cara diatas secara efektif dan maksimal. Kontrol logika fuzzy merupakan salah satu altematif dengan logika jamak yang mampu mengenali derajat keabu-abuan dari suatu sistem yang non-linier. Tugas Akhir ini mengaplikasikan kontrol logika fi.1zzy pada alat pengisi ulang baterai Nicad dengan memanfaatkan mikrokontroler logika fuzzy (fuzzy logic microcontroller) tipe NLX220 buatan American Neuralogix. Prinsip kerja alat ini adalah penentuan arus pengisian yang lebih akurat, dan adaptif yang disesuaikan dengan kapasitas, kondisi tegangan dan suhu baterai setiap saat sehingga tidak terjadi proses pengisian yang salah atau membahayakan sel (overcharge). Parameter input berupa kapasitas, tegangan dan suhu baterai diolah terlebih dahulu oleh suatu rangkaian pengkondisi sinyal input, kemudian diinputkan ke NLX220 untuk diproses dengan aturan-aturan fuzzy (m/es) yang disimpan dalam memory (PIC16C54 buatan Microchip). Aturan yang menang (the winning mle) dikeluarkan sebagai tegangan output yang mengontrol suatu sumber arus variabel (MAX724 buatan Maxim), sehingga menghasilkan arus pengisian yang paling sesuai dan akhirnya menghentikan pengisian bila sel Nicad telah penuh yang ditandai terjadinya perubahan tegangan negatif (negative delta_V). Pengisi baterai Nicad berteknologi fuzzy m1 mampu mempercepat pengisian dari 14 jam menjadi 20 menit dan memperpanjang usia pakai (life time) sel Nicad dari 500 kali menjadi 3000 kali dibandingkan dengan pengisi baterai Nicad konvensional

    The Application of an Hybrid Trilateration Method for Multi-Robot Localization System

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    The ability to know the location (localization) of robots in the environment or other robots, play an important role in multi-robot systems. Many methods and sensors had been propose, for example Dead-Reckoning; GPS; Vision based; etc.. Dead-Reckoning produce an accumulation errors, if used in a wide area or in a long time moving[1]. GPS has a level of significant errors when applied to a small robot or on the environment that are not large [2], while the vision has a poor response when applied to a fast-moving robots [3]. This research applied the trilaterasi methods that have been commonly used in communications systems, for localization in a multi-robot system composed of robots +11 cm in diameter. Sensors that are used in the form of 3 receiver with relatively fixed position to each other on a robot and an ultrasonic transmitter on the other robots. The principle of measurement based on the arrival time difference, or TDOA and processed by equation trilaterasi [4], to get the distance and relative orientation of the robot. Tests conducted on the condition still and moving the robot, at a certain distance and orientation, with a range of distance measurements between 30cm to 180cm. The result shows that this method successfully applied to the robot, with the average accuracy of 6% in the room, and the average accuracy of 5,2% outside the room. From the results of the analysis is also known that due to lack of the presence of some obstacles, that generate a magnetic field and the significant temperature changes in the robot environment. Another weakness of the system this system can not be used the same sensors (ultrasonic) for the purposes of obstacle detection, because it causes the interference

    Rancang Bangun Robot Pengantar Menu Makanan Dengan Mengikuti Jalur Berdasarkan Prinsip Induktansi

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    Line follower robot is a kind of autonomous mobile robot which has a mission to follow a guide line that has been determined. In this final project will be presented in a food menu delivery robot with a path made of metal. The use of metal point is intended to cover the shortage from the use of colored lines that are vulnerable to changes in lighting and dirt. Therefore it should be made of metal sensor by detecting changes in inductance of the coil when brought near to the metal. Robots are required to deliver food menu to the goal, the goal is a table that has been compiled regularly. Mapping should be done so that the robot can travel into the goal automatically. Reservations made at a robot that brings a menu that is connected wirelessly to the kitchen computer. The result is a robot can follow the straight path that has been determined correctly, with 100% success rate. So as to achieve the goal table, the robot is running well, with the percentage of success to the table is right at 86.67%, with the ability to avoid collisions at 93.33%


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    Sensor network is a group of sensors which can communicate each other among one and the other in certain range, and recently, the concern about sensor network system has been increasing. Sensors for temperature, humidity, object detection / determination so on are arranged everywhere. In sensor network system, sensors are connected mutually and positional information of each sensor becomes essential. Acquiring positional information will gives better service for advanced analysis. This research idea arises from factual case in a computer control room from a data center which is need a guarantee of operation and clock frequency maintenance. This Final project basically be a watchfulness. Intention of this final project is making a system for position livehood a node with used radio signal strength (RF) from minimum 3 node that known the position.Node hasn�t known the position stayed in field wiper RF 3 node that known their position with calculation analyticly use trilateration method. The result of distance sent and kept to master node, then sent to PC. PC will present it in 2 dimention appearance. The result of this final project declared that radio signal strength can not be used to determine position node according to 2 dimension (x and y) caused by has different value in different measurement condition. Errror measurement of distance that got up to 2.315m. Keyword : Sensor Network, 2D Position, Trilateration metho


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    Virtual Force Field method is the one method which have simply concept but have a good ability to solve problem about obstacle avoidance. From the research that have done by Borenstein, Virtual Force Field is developed from the research that have done before that is Potential Field Method which work based on Histogram Grid. But it use Weight Value that different in any place which have obstacle. From the poorness that method, finally it can handled by Virtual Force Field method. In the Virtual Force Field method, an obstacle will represented as Repulsive Force and the target will represented as Attractive Force toward robot. Then the result from two force will be command in steering robot. To detect an obstacle that surrounds robot we use An Ultrasonic Sensor SRF 04 which work optimally up to 100 cm. For detect the object in front of robot we use Object Tracking method which use CMU Cam2 camera. In practically, we get an error resultant about 0.059% for the vector angle and 0.073% for the value of vector. Keyword : Virtual Force Field method, Obstacle Avoidance, Ultrasonic SRF 04, Object Tracking, CMU Cam2 camer

    Implementation of Virtual Force Field Method for Movements Control Autonomous Mobile Robot in Soccer Robot Applications

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    Virtual Force Field method is the one method which have simply concept but have a good ability to solve problem about obstacle avoidance. From the research that have done by Borenstein, Virtual Force Field is developed from the research that have done before that is Potential Field Method which work based on Histogram Grid. But it use Weight Value that different in any place which have obstacle. From the poorness that method, finally it can handled by Virtual Force Field method. In the Virtual Force Field method, an obstacle will represented as Repulsive Force and the target will represented as Attractive Force toward robot. Then the result from two force will be command in steering robot. To detect an obstacle that surrounds robot we use An Ultrasonic Sensor SRF 04 which work optimally up to 100 cm. For detect the object in front of robot we use Object Tracking method which use CMU Cam2 camera. In practically, we get an error resultant about 0.059% for the vector angle and 0.073% for the value of vector


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    Lately, many cases of violations of land boundaries. Mode is done, especially for land boundary is with the removal, theft and even transfer of shares, shares land boundaries. The weakness of the stakes of existing borders, among others, only made of cement block / concrete in nature passive, so it's easy to move even eliminated by certain parties. From these circumstances it is required a system capable of dealing with the situation. In this final project will be created a system capable of providing information about land boundaries of the status of the stake "safe", "danger" and "lost" to be displaying in a web browser online in the form resembles a stake with a color display that can be changed according to status. Stake is in a state of "safe" will be colored green, whereas the disturbed or condition of "danger" will change color with red, while the "lost" the stake will be blue with a red cross sign. From this condition is also accompanied by information on the status of the stake. To make the display will be used MapServer software. From this test has been carried out showing the status of the level of success in the position of the condition of each stake is 98%. Results from the system that was created can be used for monitoring the condition of boundary stake. Keyword : stake, web browser,online,map serve

    Visualisasi Dan Monitoring Lokasi Kebakaran pada Security Room

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    Fire buildings in large cities are still often the case with the number of victims quite a lot. Until recently, most buildings using only the active prevention system that is only useful for first aid. If the fire has been enlarged, then the system is no longer effective. With a fairly large fire conditions, then the victim into a panic and confusion to find a way out. Therefore, in this final project created a monitoring system for buildings equipped with the provision of information in the form of sign for easy victims to escape during a fire. To find the safest way out, then created an algorithm to determine the safest path from each floor of the building storey. Meanwhile, to get closest to the stairs safest path, then use Dijkstra's algorithm. Information guide exit is placed on the floor of the building and integrated with software that is made. The system implemented is able to provide information to the safest way out the success rate of 90%. Search algorithm and the nearest safest ladder are made, can determine the safest and the nearest ladder properly with 100% success rate. The monitoring system and provision of information created to help victims of fire and the fire department to know the condition of buildings during fires

    Rancang Bangun Prototype Node dan Protokol Komunikasi untuk Pengambilan Data Pada Sistem Penyelamatan Korban Kebakaran Gedung Bertingkat

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    Storey building on fire in the big city is still often the case with substantial levels of casualties. Fire alarm at the rise buildings functioned well, but it was only for first aid. If the fire alarm has been enlarged, it was not working. With a fairly large fire conditions would cause confusion for the victim to find a way out. Therefore, this project will provide an information system that makes it a sign of the victim to escape. Singlehop serial communications using RS 485 serial is capable for take data from node either under normal conditions and when there is a fire. This system consists of several nodes that are connected in multidrop. Node with LM 35 temperature sensor, smoke sensor AF-30, and the water detector will be placed on parts of the building in order to monitor the location of each building. The data collection process undertaken by a sub master after receiving a request from the master. Data received by each node will be collected in advance by the master, and then data will be sent to the server. Master will wait for a response from the server, if within a period of 20 seconds the server does not respond then the master will request back to the sub-master. But if there is a response from the master server sends the response to sub-master for immediate execution. The system implemented is able to provide information solutions with 90% success rate. Node with LM 35 temperature sensor, smoke sensor AF-30, and water detector can be used as the information level of the building fire. Inter-node communication system supports data retrieval process by taking in one cycle time of 1.5 second. The retrieval of data between nodes using a baud rate of 19 200. The checking of data between nodes using FCS can provide accurate data that is sent to the server. Keyword : Fire, LM 35, AF 30, water detector, RS 485, singlehop, FC